June 3, 2020
ICOM-Bangladesh National Committee – IMD 2020 with Digital Platform Conference

Celebration of International Museum Day 2020 Through Digital Platform – Webinar ICOM-Bangladesh National Committee 18 May 2020
ICOM Bangladesh – IMD 2020 Report
ICOM – Bangladesh National Committee organized a webinar at 4:00 pm to 5:00pm (BDT) on 18 May 2020 to celebrate International Museum Day 2020. Scholars, academicians, and museum professionals of Bangladesh, India and Nepal attended the webinar. The theme of the International Museum Day this year was ‘Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion (সমতার জন্য জাদুঘর: বৈচিত্র্য ও সম্পৃচি)’. The speakers and participants of the webinar contributed much more than expectation to make the event a success one in the critical time of pandemic coronavirus COVID-19.
Professor Dr. Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University and the secretary of ICOM-Bangladesh anchored the session. Mr. Jahangir Hussain, President of ICOM-Bangladesh, moderated the event.Professor Dr. Sufi Mostafizur Rahman, Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University and the secretary of ICOM-Bangladesh anchored the session. Mr. Jahangir Hussain, President of ICOM-Bangladesh, moderated the event.
Some of the speakers and participants were Mr. Md.Hannan Mia, Director General, Department of Archaeology, Bangladesh, Professor Dr. Sabbir Ahmed, General Secretary of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Mr. Faizul Latif Chowdhury, Ex-Director General of Bangladesh National Museum, Mr. Modidul Haque, Trustee, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh, Ms. Reena Dewan, President of ICOM-India, Brigadier General (Retd) Prem Singh Basnyat, PhD, Chairman, Nepal Museum Association, Professor Poonam Chaudhury, Director, Centre for Studies in Museology, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India, Professor Ahu Sayeed M Ahmed, Dean, University of Asia-Pacific, Bangladesh, Dr. Firoz Mahmud, Museologist, Bangladesh, Dr. Malay Dey, Assistant Professor, Centre for Studies in Museology, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India, Mr. Pashupati Nyaupane, Lecturer of tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal, Mr. Ms. Asma Ferdousi, Keeper, Department of Ethnography and Decorative Art, Bangladesh, Bangladesh National Museum (BNM), Md. Amiruzzaman, Deputy Director, Department of Archaeology, Mr. Shakti Pada Halder, Deputy Keeper, Department of Contemporary Art and World Civilization, BNM, Mr. Md. Serajul Islam, Deputy Keeper, Department of Ethnography and Decorative Art, BNM. The session was full of insights and significances as the speakers delivered important issues of the theme of IMD 2020 from their respective perspectives.